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Daniel Wentsch
Oktober in Europa April 6, 2024 Stream & Links & Music Antilopen — Oktober in Europa Figma Rant: forever assembling March 18, 2024 Rants Too much waiting. Waiting for components to get published. Waiting for updated components to appear in the consuming document. Waiting for assets to iCloud Drive Rant March 17, 2024 Rants I’m very close to stop using iCloud drive altogether. It’s such a hell hole for the most basic file management. Bad enough I had to log out and back Schwiegerfuchs March 15, 2024 Stream Mama, wenn der Papa von deinem Mann einen Fuchs hat dann ist es dein Schwiegerfuchs Was im Kopf von K1 so vor sich geht Same Vibe March 13, 2024 My relationship with mymind is rather complicated, but the new “Same Vibe” feature blew my mind — no pun intended. It’s a joyful way to browse Tailwind and Web Craftsmanship March 3, 2024 Code & Links Rob articulates my feelings in this whole stupid “Tailwind vs Vanilla CSS” argument. Thanks Rob! Gatekeeping and framing in web development There’s Buttons with CSS March 1, 2024 Code & CSS Going back from all-utilities to plain CSS for styling buttons has made my life easier. Please note: I have zero interest in taking part in that Expand Basic Markdown Formatting in Apple Notes January 31, 2024 Apps If you use Apple Notes on a Mac, you might enjoy ProNotes. It’s a little app that can watch what you type in Apple Notes and on certain triggers, Cannot Divide by Zero in Peak Picture Partial November 20, 2023 Code & Statamic When assets don’t contain valid images that can be processed by Glide (which can happen by migration or by not setting up proper sanitation rules Applying a Growth Mindset (Doodle) August 7, 2023 In an attempt to retain more of the information I’m consuming, I started to doodle on my iPad while listening to the Huberman Lab episode on How to When Gmail Messages deleted in Apple Mail keep coming back August 2, 2023 Apps For the last couple of weeks I had this weird behavior that whenever I deleted a message from my Google Workspace inbox through Apple Mail on Mac, Using the AVIF format for CSS background images August 1, 2023 Code Today I learned that browser support for the AVIF image format has become excellent, with every major browser except Edge supporting it. As I’m Workaround for Email Validation Issue in Statamic July 27, 2023 Code & Statamic Through a failed Horizon job I found out about the following: A user had entered an email address with an accidental space before the @ symbol. This A First Quick Look at Cosmos.so – and Why I'll Stick with MyMind June 29, 2023 PKM & Apps Cosmos.so is an inspiration capture system marketing itself as an alternative to Pinterest. There is quite some overlap with the features offered by Install a Starter Kit from local repo to get the latest Peak working in Statamic 4 beta May 5, 2023 Code & Statamic I needed to do this to install the latest Statamic Peak into the Statamic v4 beta. Clone the Starter Kit (read: Statamic Peak) Repo locally I also Set sensible validations for Statamic image uploads April 20, 2023 Code & Statamic By default, Statamic asset fields don’t validate size or file type. Recently I’ve had a bit of trouble with large image files clogging up the Git Render first heading inside Statamic Page Builder as `h1` April 20, 2023 Code & Statamic Say you have a headline field on various Page Builder elements, and one as a set of in a Bard field. Both should visually look the same. Remove Large Files from Git History April 19, 2023 Code I recently had the case of a client uploading huge tiff files (some larger than 100 MB) into Statamic image fields. Obviously, I should make this My PKM App Stack for 2023 January 5, 2023 PKM I am guilty of frequent app hopping. This year, though, that is going to change. I’m fully determined to pause the constant chase for an ever better Favorite apps in recent weeks: mymind & Craft December 17, 2022 PKM & Apps During the past weeks I rediscovered my passion for two apps I’ve abandonded previously. Right now both fit really well into my digital life and Next page