
Expand Basic Markdown Formatting in Apple Notes

If you use Apple Notes on a Mac, you might enjoy ProNotes.

It’s a little app that can watch what you type in Apple Notes and on certain triggers, such as #, ##, or [], it converts your text to Apple Note’s formatting:

Animated Gif that shows how ProNotes expands two hash symbols to a second level heading, and two brackets to a task checkbox

I miss a couple more options that could be auto-expanded, such as > for block quotes, ``` for code blocks, and single backticks for inline code. Maybe future updates will bring those.

Beyond keystroke expansion, ProNotes also provides a medium-style floating formatting toolbar that appears any time you select text:

Floating formatting toolbar

I like that every feature can be turned off. I really don’t need any more menu bar items, and I can imagine the floating toolbar becoming annoying soon. Here you can see the app’s current settings:

ProNotes settings panel

It’s free (as-in-beer) and can be downloaded here:

Supercharged Apple Notes
ProNotes thumbnail

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