Daniel Wentsch

We live by the river

Spending Sunday afternoon at the Dreisam.

Fontshare: Quality Fonts. Free.

Fontshare is a fantastic collection of high-quality great free-to-use fonts.

Pont de l’Abîme

The Pont de l’Abîme is a nice old bridge over the Chéran river in the Haute-Savoie region in France. Lovely spot to spend a night on the way south.

What Statamic’s SAVE_CACHED_IMAGES really does

I think I got SAVE_CACHED_IMAGES in Statamic wrong the whole time. I thought it's about whether Glide-generated images are kept when clearing caches. Assuming I got it right, this is what it really does: when set to true All image presets defined in assets.php will be generated on uploadAll Glide …

Setup Statamic Static Caching for super fast websites

Setting up Static Caching in Statamic isn't too hard and brings a huge performance boost. Here are the steps I had to take to enable it both locally with Laravel Valet and on a production server managed through Laravel Forge. Enable and configure NginxEnable Static caching by setting …

Make Alpine 3 support legacy browsers

Today I learned that AlpineJS 3.x uses queueMicrotask – and that that’s an API not supported in Firefox < 69 and Safari < 12.1 (see caniuse for full support information). Luckily, this can easily be polyfilled: if (typeof window.queueMicrotask !== "function") { window.queueMicrotask = function …